Special Educational Needs & Disability
Welcome to The Cherwell School Inclusion team information page. At Cherwell, we celebrate the individuality of all students, and when extra support is needed for different children, we work together as professionals, parents and with the students themselves to find out what they need and how best to support them. Here you will find all the documents and information you will need about how we make sure this happens.
Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often need extra help to make sure they can access the curriculum, and we are committed to making sure that these students achieve outcomes at least as good as their peers. We have a strong and dedicated team of teachers and support staff working towards this aim. We will always be available to discuss your child’s needs, and we encourage you to take every opportunity to attend parents’ evenings and events at school.
Please contact a member of the team if you have any concerns or questions. We look forward to working together to make sure your child has a happy and successful time at Cherwell.
A copy of SEND policy can be found: HERE
Our Assistant Headteacher, with oversight of Inclusion is: Mrs Kate Larminie
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is: Mrs Sam Hands
Our Deputy Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is: Ms Liane Woodgate
Our SEND officer is: Mrs Kay Ridout
Our SEND administrator is: Mrs Melanie Fox
Our EAL Co-ordinator (English as an Additional Language) is: Mrs Eileen Nolan
Our governor with responsibility for SEN is: Mrs Janine Wooldridge
To contact any member of our inclusion team, please use the form found here
Information about local support services and what they offer (the 'Local offer') can be found on the OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL SEN WEB PAGE