In this section...

Information For The Lead Ofsted Inspector

Please click HERE for the school's contact details

Please click HERE for the school's admission arrangements 

Please click HERE for the most recent Ofsted Inspection Report 

Please click HERE for the most recent exam results 

Please click HERE for the School Development Plan 

Please click HERE for information about the MAT and Governing Body 

Please click HERE for information about the school's ethos 

Please click HERE for details on how we promote British Values 

Please click HERE for our Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Development Policy 

Please click HERE for an overview of the school's Key Stage 3, 4 & 5 curriculum 

Please click HERE for information on Careers Education 

Please click HERE for the school's CAT Policy 

Please click HERE for the school's Behaviour Policy 

Please click HERE for the school's Equalities Policy

Please click HERE for information on the Pupil Premium and Catch-Up Premium 

Please click HERE for the schools SEND Policy

Please click HERE for the Safe Guarding Policy

Please click HERE for the Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Please click HERE for the school's general School Policies page 

Please click HERE for information on the Sixth Form


Remote Teaching Policies

Please Click HERE for the CAT Policy with Covid Addendum

Please Click HERE for the Remote Education Policy


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