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Exams Office

Results Days

A-level results day is on 15 August 
GCSE  results day is on 22 August 

Y10 Results Day 2024 

Y11 Results Day 2024

Y13 Results day 2024

Examination results third party collection slip 2024 Post results services

To request a review of marking or clerical check please complete the following google form. Further details on fees and how to submit are contained within the form

Post Results Form

Fees & Deadlines Post-Results-Request-Form-Summer-2024

End Of Year Tests 2024

Year 10 End of Year Tests 2024Year 12 End of Year Tests 2024

Artificial intelligence, NEA guidance and Exams 2024 

JCQ: AI and Assessments - A quick guide for students


Certificates will be available from November. You will be contacted with further information regarding these however if you are unable to collect your certificates in person you can arrange for a friend or relative to pick them up (they will need to bring with them a completed permission form from you – available below. Alternatively, we are able to post your certificates to you on receipt of £4 to cover the cost of Recorded Delivery.  If you would like to go ahead with this option, please email to confirm the address you would like the certificate sent to and make payment through ParentPay Online Shop available here; (Please note, this is different from your previous ParentPay access and allows one of payments to be made)



For many years at Cherwell School, we have had students take qualifications in their home languages, both at GCSE and A level.  As a school, we are happy to facilitate this.  Please click on the below link to read a list of Frequently Asked Questions:


It is a regulation of JCQ, the body that oversees the exam boards, that we provide these documents to all candidates (General Regulations 5.8C)

Information for candidates – Privacy Notice

Information for candidates – social media

Information for candidates – coursework

Information for candidates – non-examination assessments

Information for candidates – on-screen tests

Information for candidates – written exams

Please also take note of the following posters; 
Unauthorised Items Poster – which warns that possession of a mobile phone or smart devices in an exam may result in disqualification from the exam
Warning to candidates – which states required conduct within the exam

Exam board Specifications 2023 - 24


The Cherwell School Exams Policies

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