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Leadership Team
Outline of Responsibilities
Chris Price - Headteacher
Whole School Strategic Leadership, Values and Aims, Environment and Resources, School Improvement, Staffing and Recruitment, School evaluation and Planning, Lead Professional, Oversight of Sixth Form, Timetable, Partnerships, Trust Education Board. Link Faculty: English. Governors’ meetings FGB, Resources, Student Impact as required
Shontelle Magenty
Deputy Headteacher (Student Experience &Well- being)
Student welfare, wellbeing and entitlement, Student Experience including student voice, External Agencies and links, Safeguarding and Child Protection- strategic, Oversight of Year Leaders and Pastoral Support Teams
Tom Hilton
Assessment and Reporting (inc. use of data)

Pete Davies
Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour and Attendance)
Behaviour for Learning (KS4 and KS5), Attendance, Year 11 Raising Attainment, Cover, Staff Duties, Examinations, Site Management (North)

Patrick Garton
Assistant Headteacher (Director of The Cherwell OTSA SCITT)
Leadership of The Cherwell OTSA SCITT – initial teacher training provider with the Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance, working across primary, special and secondary education.

Kate Larminie
Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)
Oversight of SEND inc. links to Hearing Impaired and CIRB, Oversight of EAL, Alternative Curriculum, Transition (SEND), Inclusive L&T, Literacy and Numeracy, 7 Stars and KS3 Reading Recovery
Jermaine Jarvis
Assistant Headteacher (Transitions and Progression, BFL at KS3)
Behaviour for Learning (KS3), Primary liaison and transition, KS3 to 5 Transitions and Destinations, Careers Education, Local Engagement, Parental Engagement, Site Management (South)

Emma Rapson
Assistant Headteacher (Staff development\ Strategic Leadership of Post- 16 Education)
Appraisal, Staff Wellbeing, Teacher Induction, Research and Development, Support Staff SLT Link, SCITT Senior Link, Leadership Development, Values and Aims, Attainment & Achievement, Evaluation and Planning

Rosie Breckon
Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)
Classroom Practice, Professional Learning, Homework, QA, Leading creativity and Innovation in Learning and Teaching, Whole School Reading Strategy